May 30, 2012

Memories of Easter And Missing The Family

I can't believe how fast time flies.  It's been almost two months since I last saw my family in Texas.  I sure do miss them but I feel them near me everyday!  The memories I have of them are so special and I love looking back at pictures to remind me of how happy we all are when we are together. 

Easter was the last weekend I saw them.  I was there for my cousin's funeral and even though it was such a sad time for my family to come together, it was still very special in that we were all together.  Easter is one of my favorite holidays because it reminds me of my grandparents and my cousins and I when we were little and Easter egg hunting!  Now that I'm older, I cherish these moments even deeper!  Not only do I get to see my cousins that I grew up with and my Aunts and Grandpa but we get to watch the younger kids experience what we experienced growing up.  The cousins/friendships, the running, the stings my heart a little to know they are missing the times we had with my grandmother and Rachel and now Raul but I know they are still enjoying themselves and I can always feel the presence of our loved ones that have passed on.  I know they are still with us! 

This year we also celebrated my niece's birthday!  I am so amazed with her as she is growing into such a remarkable young lady.  Somebody that I am very proud of!  It was an honor to share her birthday with her this year!  I hope I will be able to do the same next year!! 

I'm pretty sure I have an AMAZING family! 

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